Reservations are required at restaurants ad bars that serve food.When in a restaurant or bar, masks must be worn at all times when not actively eating or drinking.Seating at bars is allowed but guests must be properly socially distanced. At restaurants and bars that offer seating, no more than four guests can be seated per table, even if all the guests belong to the same household.Bars and restaurants in Las Vegas can continue to operate and serve guests indoors or outdoors, as long as these establishments operate at no more than 25% occupancy and adhere strictly to social distancing guidelines.This includes both indoor and outdoor locations and any time that you are going to be around people who do not belong to your immediate household. Everyone in the state of Nevada, including residents and visitors, are required to wear a mask at all times.
If you are planning on spending some time in Las Vegas and wonder if you are able to partake in the city’s notorious bar scene, these are the current guidelines you need to know. They may change based on Covid case numbers in Nevada, including the Las Vegas area. These are only the current Covid-19 restrictions and guidelines. On January 11, 2021, Nevada’s Governor Sisolak announced Covid-19 mitigation measures that residents, visitors, and businesses are expected to follow for at least 30 days.